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Research & Innovation Roadshow 2020: From Lab to Market - The Path to Research Impact
From Tuesday 04 August 2020 -  08:00am
To Friday 14 August 2020 - 05:00pm
Hits : 2235





Research & Innovation Roadshow 2020: From Lab to Market - The Path to Research Impact" by YBhg Professor Dr Wan Hashim, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research & Innovation).

We had our 10th and 11th roadshows yesterday (3rd August 2020) to Faculty of Arts and Creative Applied, ICreate and Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Institute of Health and Community Medicine with options of physical and zoom attendance. It is good to witness a good turnout from members of the Faculties and Institutes who attended the roadshows. 

Sincere thanks to the Deans, Directors & Deputy Deans (FACA, ICreate, FMHS & ICHM) Associate Prof Dr Musdi bin Hj Shanat, Associate Prof Dr Saiful Bahari bin Mohd Yusoff, Dr Qistina Donna Lee Abdullah, Dr Faridah bin Sahari, Professor Dr Asri bin Said, Professor Dr David Perera, Professor Dr Chew Kheng Seng, Associate Prof Dr Helmy bin Hazmi & Dr Nariman Singmamae for your arrangements and support.

With that we have completed our research roadshow to all the F/Is and we look forward to a better impact in terms of citations and research Innovation ecosystem.
