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A dream come true: Unimas FMHS to have its own teaching hospital
Friday 12 March 2021, 03:00pm - 05:00pm
Hits : 3910

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KUCHING: The dream of Universiti Malaysia Sarawak’s (Unimas) Medicine and Health Science Faculty (FMHS) of having its own teaching hospital is now realised, said its vice chancellor Prof Datuk Dr Mohamad Kadim Suaidi.

“Ever since FMHS was started in 1994 as the fourth medical faculty among the public universities in Malaysia, it has been our dream to have our own teaching hospital.

“And today, after 29 years of Unimas being in Kota Samarahan, the teaching hospital and the Pusat Kesihatan Prima project has been awarded to a local developer to be built here,” he said in a Facebook post today.

He was commenting on the presentation of the letter of acceptance (SST) by the Works Ministry to a contractor for the construction of the project by Senior Minister (Infrastructure Cluster) Datuk Seri Fadillah Yusof on Wednesday.

Fadillah said the contract value of the project is worth RM485.99 million and the project is scheduled for completion in the next four years for the 300 bed-capacity teaching hospital.

“This will alleviate the strain on existing government hospitals in Sarawak as well as provide better access to dwellers in Samarahan, Padawan, Serian, Sebuyau and Simunjan,” he said.

To this, Dr Mohamad Kadim thanked the Petra Jaya MP as well as those who have worked on the plan to develop the varsity’s teaching hospital.

“I also thank the Works Ministry, the Public Works Department as well as the state government for their continuous support for Unimas,” he said.

The vice chancellor said the Unimas teaching hospital and the Pusat Kesihatan Prima will be the first of its kind in Sarawak and will benefit the people greatly.

“This is by enabling access to quality medical services in the region as well as being a platform to develop more medical experts from Sarawak,” he said.

Source: New Sarawak Tribune

