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COVID-19 Antibody after Vaccination: A UNIMAS Study
Tuesday 29 June 2021, 08:00am - 05:00pm
Hits : 3958
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Dr Z withdrawing blood from a participant

Today, it is common to include, “Dah vaccine sik?” in our greetings.

But have you ever wondered what happened to our antibody after receiving COVID-19 vaccination?

Our own virologist, Dr. Tan Cheng Siang, and his team are conducting a study to elucidate the curious behavior of our antibody progression after COVID-19 vaccination. They are attempting to find out when our bodies will produce the highest concentration of antibody and how long this will last. The team plans to compare the effects from three COVID-19 vaccines – Pfizer, Astra Zeneca, and Sinovac.

Here’s some extra information for us.

After vaccination, our body will create the Anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibody (thus creating all the chaos that some people experience after the jab, like fever, fatigue, body aches, rashes, sleep disturbances, etc.). Currently, studies show that the Anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibody concentration ranges from 0 to 22,000AU/mL. Protection against the COVID-19 infection, however, can only be obtained when the concentration of the antibody exceeds 4000AU/mL.

What does this mean for you and I?

Studies have shown that the antibody production varies from one person to another. In some cases, the antibody does not last long and may be diminished in less than one year. In some cases, however, the antibody is found to be extraordinarily long lasting.

The research on how human (immune system) react to vaccination is caried out around the world, but Dr. Tan’s study is the first for us in Sarawak. Remember that the Sarawak demography is a fusion of ethnicity -- in other words, DNA rojak!

To complete their study, Dr. Tan needs more participants who have been vaccinated with Pfizer (60 participants) and Astra Zeneca (150 participants). If you are above 18 years old, have been vaccinated within three days (72 hours before) with Pfizer or Astra Zeneca, and would like to contribute, please do!

You can find detailed explanation here:

If you are eligible, please register via the google form according to the vaccine that you have received.

The form will close once we have achieved our sample size.


Aztra Zeneca:

This study is approved by the UNIMAS Medical Research and Ethics Committee [Ref:FME/21/55].
