Events Calendar
KUCHING, 3 December 2019 – Rindok Sarawak Fringe 2019 was successfully held at Plaza Merdeka Mall, Kuching in 30th November 2019 and organised by Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) with support from the Sarawak government.This event was held under the supervision of lecturers, language teachers and students from the Faculty of Language and Communication (FLC), UNIMAS in promoting the importance of cultural and heritage preservation in Malaysia especially in Sarawak.The Rindok Sarawak Fringe 2019 project, highlights the uniqueness of various ethnicities in Sarawak. This is in line with the state government’s aspiration to ensure that the language and culture of the different ethnicities in Sarawak are preserved and remain relevant. With the theme “Cultures Unite the Nation”, this project includes several programs such as exhibitions, performances from students from Faculty of Language and Communication UNIMAS such as Indian, Modern, and Ngajat dance, a musical performance by the Unimas Music Asgard Chinese Orchestra, ‘BookU Hunt’ and a documentation project across several focus areas namely Sarawak Ethnic Literature, National Culture, Bako National Park and Traditional Games, Reviving the Nostalgic of Books in the Digital World: Book-U hunt, Flashback of Traditional Food (Tea Evolution), Popular Culture and Religions, dan Popular Culture and Religious Fashion. The main objective of the program is to gain awareness among community in literature, culture and heritage in preserving knowledge and life in today's globalized world also showcasing the FLC’s students projects that focuses on community, literature, culture and heritage and at the same time, exposing students to interact with the community. The program was successfully organized with a great response from the public and we hope that there are more activities like this in the future to raise public’s interest in the importance of cultural and heritage preservation in Malaysia especially in Sarawak.