Events Calendar

Salam Sejahtera & Greetings,
YBhg Tan Sri/Datuk/Dato'/Datu/Prof/Assoc Prof/Dr/Ir/Ts/Ar/Sr/Sir/Madam,
Dear colleagues, we are excited to announce the 2nd International Symposium “Frontiers in Anatomy and Physiology Research and Education” organized by the UNIMAS Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (Malaysia) in collaboration with Volgograd State Medical University and Astrakhan State Medical University (Russia). It will be held on the 13th and 14th December, 2023 (virtual through ZOOM). You are invited to join this symposium and present your insightful research paper.
We are pleased to announce that Prof. Dr. Ahmad Hata bin Rasit from the Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, will deliver the keynote speech. The plenary speakers for the symposium will be Prof Dr Alexey Smirnov from the Department of Pathology, Volgograd State Medical University, Russia; Associate Prof. Dr. Wan Zuhainis Saad from Universiti Putra Malaysia, Associate Prof. Dr. Matvey Trizno from the Department of Gross Anatomy and Pathology, Astrakhan State Medical University, Russia; Associate Prof. Dr. Siti Nurma Hanim Hadie from Universiti Sains Malaysia.
We would like to remind you that the deadline for abstract submission is November 10, 2023. Payment for the symposium is extended to November 19, 2023
We accept abstract on, but not limited to:
-Recent Updates in Anatomy research
-Recent Updates in Physiology research
-Innovations in the preclinical medical education
Abstract Guidelines
Please follow the following guidelines for ABSTRACT submission (Applicable for Oral Presenter / Poster Presenter only):
1. One page abstract comprising a maximum of 300 words is required.
2. The abstract must be in the Microsoft Word format in ARIAL font.
3. The title of the paper should be 14 pt and BOLD.
4. The Name, affiliation and e-mail address must be centered in 11 pt.
5. The main text should be single-spaced in 12 pt.
6. Keywords not more than 5 words.
7. Please register at and submit your abstract by November 19, 2023. The abstract will be published in the LSMB, a peer-reviewed journal, indexed in DOAJ and MyJurnal.
Registration form
1.Your title and full name.
2.Your highest degree and current position.
3.Your department, faculty, university, city, country.
4.Your preferred mode of presentation (oral/poster).
5.Your age, if it is 35 years or below and you wish your presentation to be evaluated for the “best young scientist’s research” award.
Important Dates (GMT +8:00)
1. Registration and Abstract Deadline: November 19, 2023
2. Abstract Acceptance Notification: November 10, 2023 onwards
3.Payment deadline: November 19, 2023
Contact Us:
Secretariat of APS2023,
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Registration fee:
RM100 (academic), RM50 (students)
Fees payable to: UNIMAS Edu Sdn. Bhd.
Maybank 561239608898 (IBG only – for local participants; Telegraphic Transfer – for international participants)
Thank You.