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Visit from Tokyo Tech High School of Science and Technology, Shibaura, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Friday 04 August 2017, 08:00am - 05:00pm
Hits : 1129

Visit from Tokyo Tech High School of Science and Technology, Shibaura, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan 


Date Activity Venue :

Monday, 31 July 2017, TMM and Renewable Energy Laboratory, Faculty of Engineering


Staff Involved :

Staff involved Assoc. Prof Ir Dr Al-Khalid bin Hj Othman (Dean), Dr. Nazeri Abdul Rahman (Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni), Assoc. Prof Dr. Thelaha bin Hj Masri (Senior Lecturer), Dr Martin Anyi (Senior Lecturer), and Wan Mohamad Haekal Bin Wan Herdwat (Assistant Engineer)


Description of The Activities

A group of 8 form five high school students and 3 teachers from Tokyo Tech High School of Science and Technology Shibaura have visited Faculty of Engineering, UNIMAS at 2.00 pm on Monday, 31 July 2017. The delegation visit main objective to the Faculty was to study the implementation of renewable energy in Sarawak particularly on micro hydro system which have been actively developed and implemented throughout Sarawak by Centre of Renewable Energy (CREN), Faculty of Engineering, UNIMAS. Initially during the visit, Tokyo Tech High School delegation was welcomed by the Engineering Faculty Dean,Assoc. Prof Ir Dr Al-Khalid bin Hj Othman before a brief presentation on the introduction of the faculty was presented by Dr. Nazeri Abdul Rahman (Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni). Later, both students and the accompanying teachers are presented with two technical presentations on micro hydro turbine system. Firstly, Dr Martin Anyi presented a presentation entitled Initiatives in designing and fabricating micro hydro turbines locally, in which he addressed the challenges in designing a sustainable micro-hydro turbine system in Sarawak. Dr Martin Anyi is one of the members for Micro Hydro Unit, Centre of Renewable Energy (CREN), Faculty of Engineering. Secondly, Assoc. Prof Dr. Thelaha bin Hj Masri who is also a member for Micro Hydro Unit, Centre of Renewable Energy (CREN), shared his personal experiences in developing, implementing and maintaining micro-hydro turbine system in Sarawak initiated by CREN. After listening to both presentation, the students are divided into two groups and presented their research works on renewable energy in which have been conducted prior to the visit. The first group presented their findings on the suitability of other renewable energies in Malaysia in which they suggested that Malaysia have some potential in harvesting wind and tidal energy. The second group on the other hand shared their experiences in sorting and recycling solid wastes at their school. They suggested that the solid waste derived from learning institution in Japan can be classified as recyclable, burnable and unburnable wastes. The recyclable wastes can be sorted and sent to recyclable centre, whereas some of the unrecyclable but burnable wastes can be used as fuel for power generation. Before departing the faculty, the delegation visited renewable energy laboratory at Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering in which there are exposed to not only to micro hydro turbine system but also to photovoltaic system and fuel cell system for power generation. 


By: Dr. Nazeri Abdul Rahman 


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