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Artisans from Long Lamai Community receive international recognition for handicrafts
Friday 03 March 2017, 08:00am - 05:00pm
Hits : 1108

Associate Professor Dr. June Ngo, research fellow at the Institute of Social Informatics and Technological Innovations (ISITI), recently received the prestigious UNESCO/ World Crafts Council Award of Excellence 2016 for one of her projects involving community artisans in Long Lamai in developing Rattan Coil Platters. The project, was chosen among a total of 246 entries from the Asia Pacific Region and was recognised for the artisans innovtive use of traditional skills, patterns and themes to ensure the sustainability of these traditions and skills.

The empowerment of the community is an important aspect of all the research efforts conducted at the Institite, and the recognition received by the Long Lamai community by the international panel of 11 experts is indeed reflective of the objectives that researchers at ISITI set out to achieve together with the communities they work with.

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