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More health equipment from UNIMAS to help health troops battle COVID-19
Monday 06 April 2020
Hits : 2575
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More health equipment from UNIMAS to help health troops battle COVID-19

 Kota Samarahan, 6 April 2020, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) continues to produce health equipment for frontliners battling the COVID-19 disease.

Last week, UNIMAS delivered two self-manufactured intubation boxes and 100 custom-made face shields to the Sarawak Government Hospital (SGH) and hand sanitisers to our own Institute of Health and Community Medicine (IHCM) UNIMAS, the UNIMAS Health Centre (PKU), the UNIMAS residential colleges, and also to the Kota Samarahan Royal Malaysian Police.

In today’s event, UNIMAS once again delivered units of intubation boxes, face shields, and hand sanitisers for the following healthcare institutions with the hope that these would assist their frontliners. The receivers are: 

1. Sarawak Government Hospital : 23 litres of hand sanitisers, 9 units of intubation boxes, 100 units of face shields. The SGH representative was Pn Aida Aminah binti Ahmad Azlan, SGH Science Officer. 


2. SGH Heart Center (Sarawak Heart Center) - 1 unit of intubation box, 30 units of face shields. SGH HC was represented by its Director Dr. Mohd Asri Bin Ariffin.


3. Samarahan Health Clinic- 2 units of sampling boxes, 5 litres of hand sanitisers, and 50 units of face shields. Dr Kalaivane A/P Kanadasan represented SHC and Infra.


4. Kuching Specialist Hospital (KPJ) - 2 units of intubation boxes and 50 units of face shields were received by KPJ General Manager Mdm Nurhazimah Mahat.


The equipment was handed over to the respective agencies by YBhg Prof Dr Wan Hashim, the Deputy Vice Chancellor for Research & Innovation, UNIMAS. Present at the ceremony were YBhg Prof Dr Kamarudin Kana Deputy Vice Chancellor Student Affairs and Alumni, Prof Dr Lo May Chiun (Senior Director of the Research Innovation & Enterprise Centre), Prof Dr Asri Said (Dean of Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences) and UNIMAS researcher Dr Charles Bong Hin Joo.

An additional 20 bottles of hand sanitisers were given to media representatives present at the event.

The intubation box is a transparent cube that covers a patient's head during endotracheal intubation, a necessary procedure for COVID-19 patients who suffer from respiratory failure. The use of an intubation box provides additional protection for our healthcare troop during this invasive procedure.

According to Dr Charles Bong Hin Joo, a lecturer from the Faculty of Engineering UNIMAS, who is the project leader of this invention, the intubation box was customised by him and his teams so that it has sliding doors on both sides for easy tube insertions.

The hand sanitisers were developed by researchers from the Faculty of Resource Science and Technology led by Assoc Prof Dr Samsur bin Mohamad and his team while the face shields were jointly constructed by Faculty of Cognitive Sciences and Human Development (FCSHD), Faculty of Built Environment (FBE), and Faculty of Computer Science & Information Technology (FCSIT).






