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Outreach Programme One Step Ahead at SMK Simunjan No. 1, Simunjan
From Saturday 13 April 2019
To Sunday 14 April 2019
Hits : 1560
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A 2-day outreach programme One Step Ahead to SMK Simunjan No. 1 was organized by Persatuan Mahasiswa Fakulti Ekonomi dan Perniagaan (PERFEP) on 13 – 14 April 2019. Facilitators comprised 37 students from the 5 FEP Programmes and led by the capable Programme Director Rukkumanni a/p Thannirmalai and assisted by Khirulazi bin Samsuddin. Participants were the Form 4 and Form 5 students.


The programme kickstarted with a euphoric welcome by the participants, that set the tone for highly energized activities throughout the 2 days. Participation in all the activities was awesome and clearly enjoyed by the students. Despite the challenges of water shortage and being literally cut off as mobile transmission was very poor, the facilitators, led by Khirulazi (fondly called Abang Boboy by participants), did a great job keeping students’ level of commitment, energy and team spirit high.


As commented by the school teachers, their students’ participation was commendable that even the voice of the “quiet” students were heard. The FEB facilitators were also commended for the much-desired attributes of being caring, responsible and great teamwork. On that note, we wish to thank the Principal, counsellor and teachers of SMK Simunjan No. 1 for the opportunity for students of both the school and FEB to bond while enhancing their self-confidence and motivation.  


The success of this outreach programme has led to a request for a yearly come-back, which PERFEP hopes to fulfil not only with SMK Simunjan No.1, but extend to other suburbs and rural schools.   It was fulling to see students of the school and our own facilitators portraying their positive qualities while enjoying the activities, resulting in episodes of teary goodbyes and holding dear to one of the few “war cry” of eh, eh, eh ewaaah!!
