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Program E-Week 2018: A Day With IEM
Friday 02 November 2018, 08:00am - 05:00pm
Hits : 1386

Faculty of Engineering, UNIMAS:  On 27th October 2018, Students Section of IEM-SAFE, Faculty of Engineering, have organised A Day with The Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM) programme as part of their E-Week activities. In this programme, a speaker from the committee of IEM Sarawak Branch Graduate and Students Section, Ir. Edna Matthew Ruji, was invited to give a talk on ‘The Privileges and Advantages of Registering under IEM and BEM (Board of Engineers Malaysia)’ at Lecture Hall Pusat Islam Tun Abang Salahuddin, UNIMAS. A total of 320 students from different departments of Engineering Faculty, UNIMAS attended the talk. The main objective of this annual programme was to expose UNIMAS first year engineering students on the career as engineer as well was to introduce them on IEM activities. Also attending the programme was Mr. Mohd Azrin bin Mohd Said, UNIMAS's IEM-SAFE Advisor.



Prepared byNurshada Nabiha binti Ibrahim and Nur Damia binti Bakeri
