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SLUSE fieldwork In Pantu Sri Aman
From Thursday 01 March 2018 -  08:00am
To Friday 02 March 2018 - 05:00pm
Hits : 2075



KOTA SAMARAHAN, 28 February 2018 : Twenty-one students from UNIMAS and nineteen students from Denmark have shown an interest in helping to promote land use and resource management by participating Sustainable Land Use and Natural Resource Management (SLUSE) Field Course 2018.

The programme marked the 20th collaboration between UNIMAS anda SLUSE-Denmark

and also 17th time UNIMAS conduct the joint field course.

For the 2018 field course, a total of five villages in Pantu/Lingga Sri Aman have been chosen for students field course such as Engkeranji, Munggu Sawa, Menuang/Langgir, Menangkin and Keranggas.

For 14 days ( 2 weeks), the students will be divided into several groups and placed in villages where they will conduct an integrated field work.

The students are given the opportunity to apply their knowledge on various methodologies in conducting research throughout this field course.

As an exercise, this group of students will be given a task on a specific topic and conduct and required to conduct research and apply the disciplines in the environmental research with the application of all disciplines in the environmental assessment method.

During this field work, students will be supervised by faculty members from various fields of expertise in environmental studies and social sciences.

At the end of the course, the students will be assessed by the instructors involved through the presentation of the results of the study and the current study report during this integrated field work.

SLUSE is a program under the cooperation of universities in Denmark and UNIMAS in promoting sustainable land use and environmental resource management in developing countries. 

The main objective of the program is to use interdisciplinary approaches to issues related to the natural environment, agriculture, social and cultural environment of the local community in an area.

Article by : Sarena Haidir

Photo by : Azlandy M.A.T
