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Batang Ai Hydro Power Station Visit
Tuesday 20 February 2018, 08:00am - 05:00pm
Hits : 3093

Student Association Faculty of Engineering (SAFE) 2017/2018 organized a technical visit to Batang Ai Hydropower Station, Lubok Antu, Sri Aman. The event was held for 2 days and 1 night from 13th until 14th of February 2018. A total of 66 students including the member of Students Association Faculty of Engineering (SAFE) and 3 lecturers namely Dr. Nazeri Abdul Rahman, Deputy Dean Students Affairs and Alumni Faculty of Engineering, Dr Lidyana Roslan, SAFE Advisor, and Dr Raudhah Ahmadi, a senior lecturer from Civil department, participated in this program. This program was attended by engineering students ranging from Year 1 to Year 4 from various departments at Faculty of Engineering. All planned activities conducted been successfully implemented in which all participants joined. Through this visit, the students from Faculty of Engineering were exposed and aspired on the work scope and responsibility of an engineer as well as establishing relationships between students and their potential employers. Apart from that this program also provide the exposure to the students on hydropower generation as well as electricity power generation industry in Sarawak. Additionally, this program also strengthens the relationship between the lecturers and the students of Faculty of Engineering. 

Batang Ai2  Batang Ai3


Batang Ai4  Batang Ai5
