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UNIMAS STEM Segulai Sejalai Volunteerism Programme 2023
From Saturday 10 June 2023 -  08:00am
To Sunday 11 June 2023 - 05:00pm
Hits : 1831

Balai Ringin, Serian, 10-11 June 2023: A group of 32 undergraduate students with one postgraduate student from the Department of Chemical Engineering and Energy Sustainability, Faculty of Engineering, UNIMAS have successfully organised Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) volunteerism programme at Rumah Panjang Milly anak Nata, Kampung Sebangkoi Jaya, Jalan Simunjan, Balai Ringin, Serian on the 10th and 11th June 2023. The programme was headed by Ms Ester ak Jose Jol, 3rd year student from Chemical Engineering programme and supervised by Dr Nazeri Abdul Rahman from the same department. The programme was conducted in collaboration with St. Basil’s Anglican Church Batu Kawa, Kuching, in which aim to promote STEM related education among primary and secondary students in rural area. In this program, STEM activities focuses on hands-on practical learning in order to develop the necessary skills prior to embark their STEM education in the future. This one and a half -day program was also aimed to introduce the participating chemical engineering students to the local community’s culture particularly the Iban community at Kampung Sebangkoi Jaya. The organiser hope that this programme is able to develop a closer tie between the rural community and UNIMAS. Prior to the programme, the students have conducted a few fundraising of social entrepreneurship activities in order to collect some funds for the establishment of a mini library at the longhouse. The fundraising activities were the social entrepreneurship of various types of spring rolls (popia) making and selling, carwash service for students and staff, preloved item sales, and personal parcel delivery services.


The UNIMAS students and the local community both participated in the STEM Activities which includes Car Balloon, Light and Solar Power, pH Indicator, Water Surface Tension and Wind Power which ended with a photography session.















